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Göteborgs Spårvägar

Standardized and cloud-based maintenance system – collaboration between Göteborgs Spårvägar and Prevas

A successful journey towards efficiency and collaboration in vital infrastructure.

Göteborgs Spårvägar – the public transport company in Gothenburg, Sweden – delivers a key public service that requires extensive synchronization of people, technology and materials. A standardized and cloud-based maintenance system provides the support the enterprise needs, while facilitating future development steps.

In the fall of 2022, Göteborgs Spårvägar switched to a cloud-based version of Hexagon's maintenance system HxGN EAM. Prevas, Hexagon's partner for sales and implementation in the Nordic market, has been responsible for deployment.

“Previously, it was up to us to keep up with developments in technology, functionality and safety,” says Jonas Lindberg, IT manager at Göteborgs Spårvägar. “We're now moving maintenance to a modern platform where we use standardized functions instead of developing our own.”

The move to the cloud-based maintenance system was preceded by extensive work in which Göteborgs Spårvägar together with Prevas clarified and standardized the various operational processes.

“To be as efficient and value-creating as possible, it's important to use the standardized functions available in the platform” says Per Malmcrona, senior business developer for maintenance at Prevas. “Specialized solutions that may seem smart often lead to sub-optimization with negative effects elsewhere in operations.”

Mobility and more efficient processes

There are many advantages to a cloud-based maintenance system, such as the capability for increased mobility. Göteborgs Spårvägar's approximately 800 drivers have previously reported incidents to traffic management, who then called in emergency services, the police, ambulances, the track supervisor and other functions. Incidents can include emergency situations such as collisions, but also routine maintenance such as in dealing with faulty brakes. A mobile app integrated with the maintenance system is now used instead.

“A reported incident creates a work order in the system with a status the driver can follow,” says Jonas Lindberg. “Preparations are made in the shops for larger repairs and maintenance, and work can begin immediately when the vehicles come in.”

The new mobility approach makes things easier for drivers, maintenance staff and other functions. The interface for the mobile app is adapted according to the needs of users and the situation, optimizing performance and ease of use. The next step is to start using the collected information to shift the focus from corrective to preventive maintenance. One example is the ongoing implementation of wheel measurement using lasers.

“Previously, wheel measurements were carried out manually with a capacity of about 10 measurements per day,” says Jonas Lindberg. “With the new system in place, all vehicles in service will be measured at least twice daily. The measurements indicate whether faulty wheels need to be turned, or completely replaced if there is not enough material remaining. All this is now managed in the maintenance system.”

An important part of the project has also been to create integrations between HxGN EAM and Göteborgs Spårvägar's other systems. The exchange of information between different processes creates opportunities for further development and improved efficiency.

“Among other things, we will be connecting and coordinating the systems for traffic operations and maintenance,” says Jonas Lindberg. “We can then optimize maintenance planning based on detailed data on the operation of individual vehicles, instead of taking in all vehicles after a certain period of time or after a certain number of kilometers.”

Closer collaboration

For Prevas, the assignment for Göteborgs Spårvägar has been challenging in several ways, including being carried out on a vital system that cannot be paused and which is the basis for traffic safety and management of assets with substantial financial value. A variety of skills have been involved and efforts have been carefully synchronized to provide a coherent delivery. It has been a demanding, but also very rewarding job.

“With large parts of the company now using HxGN EAM, we at Prevas feel that the various operations have come closer together and that collaboration between departments has increased,” says Ylva Amrén, regional manager at Prevas and key account manager for Göteborgs Spårvägar. “We feel very much a part of that journey and of the team. The system has brought together Göteborgs Spårvägar's various operations by sharing the solution and thus gradually adapting their operational processes to each other, which facilitates future development, management and support of both work processes and system support. We are seeing closer collaboration within the organization as previously unconnected silos now share a common solution.”

Implementation and development at Göteborgs Spårvägar continues and there are many new functions in the pipeline, including a scanner-based logistics function to keep track of spare parts and materials. When the standardized modules in HxGN EAM are used, it means that Göteborgs Spårvägar, with the help of Prevas, can utilize new functionality and the experiences from all other operations using the system. Future development steps will also be easier to implement.

“Prevas is always at the forefront of technological development, but at the same time they have a solid understanding of our operations and which functions are appropriate to introduce,” says Jonas Lindberg. “As a partner, they have also persevered through a technically complex implementation that has challenged our company culture and traditional ways of working. It's a joint effort that has produced very good results.”

/// Good to know ///

HxGN EAM handles:

  • Finance (invoice matching and coding)
  • Material supply (requisitioning and purchasing)
  • Material handling (goods reception, stocks and logistics)
  • Preparation and planning (preventive and corrective maintenance and audits)
  • Maintenance (service and repair)
  • Reporting (KPIs and reports)

Maintenance system, EAM, HxGN EAM, cloud-based

Contact us
Ylva Amrén, Prevas AB, e-mail

Standardized and cloud-based maintenance system
Standardized and cloud-based maintenance system
Standardized and cloud-based maintenance system

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